Sears and Roebuck.  Ben and Jerry.  Smith and Wesson.  Simon and Garfunkle...
and now, D and O.  The science of invention will never be the same.

Introducing the founders and design team of DOODAD:

D's concepts were the inspiration for
DOODAD product line. 
Her refrigerator serves as the new product testbed.
O single-handedly drew up the design for
DOODAD State Soil Necktie.
He had to, his right arm was in a sling at the time

It all began with a chance meeting at a rest stop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.  D was emerging from the building, carrying a State of Pennsylvania refrigerator magnet to add to her world-class collection, while O was heading inside for a Reeses peanut butter cup, bearing a baggie filled with prize Pennsylvania soil to add to his national Zen rock garden.  The collision was inevitable, and fateful.  Before the apologies could begin, both D and O found themselves staring at the souvenir state magnet covered with souvenir state soil and experiencing the epiphany of the inventor.  What better way, they reasoned, to commemorate a visit to a unique state than to display the very soil of that state within its outline on your refrigerator?

DOODAD was created that day.

D and O soon discovered their unique gift for inventions that nobody else could dream up.  This web site is the display case for their imagination, a keyhole into a world where holidays are neater, workdays are without stress, and the key of E flat is no longer a mystery.  

We hope you enjoy your visit. 

Copyright (C) 2000, D & O Online Designs. All rights reserved.